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Online Picture Resizer

Resize your images, photos and pictures without losing quality.

Drag and drop your image here

Resize your image by percentage or pixels

Resize images and download them

Step 1
Upload an Image
Upload your image
Step 2
Select Size
Choose a size or add your own
Step 3
Download Image
Instantly download your image

What is the Image Resizer Tool?

The Image Resizer Tool is a web-based utility that allows you to reduce the file size of images and resize them to specific dimensions. It helps optimize images for various purposes, such as improving website performance by reducing loading times or saving storage space while maintaining image quality.

How Long Will My Resized Images be Available?

The resized images are available for immediate download after the process is completed. However, please note that the images are stored temporarily and will be automatically deleted within 1 Hour to ensure user privacy and data security. We recommend downloading the processed images promptly.